Monday, August 12, 2013

The Beginning

So I'm going to start a blog for 2 reasons....1. It should help me with my credibility towards this goal I have and 2. I'm sure that I'm going to have some kind of hilarious situation in the gym that I need to share with people. So to cut a long story short (I'll include more riveting details at another time) I let myself go. And I mean really go.  Over the course of two/three years I have gained 60 pounds and my 5' 5" frame just doesn't like these 220 pounds that I've amassed. And not that I was svelte to begin with. Always saying I was a "big boned" girl or I was "curvy" blah blah blah blah.  The point in the matter is I think I'm fucking fabulous but this has gotten ridiculous.  I look in the mirror and I'm grossed out, I put on clothes that don't fit and I'm bummed, everything feels out of place in my body and it has got to end.  Right here right now, I'm making a difference. Now I assume that I'm going to have ups and downs and good days and bad days, and you'll get to read all about it (you lucky duck you).

This whole new plan and ideal isn't just physically it is mentally and emotionally charged too.  Losing grasp on these things is a huge reason why I got where I am today.  Well, maybe that and my enjoyment of Taco Bell or Ice Cream could have been an issue too. I'm looking to take charge of every aspect of my life and well, document it to humor myself.  So after being a "loyal" member of Bally's since I was 15, and that having gotten me nowhere I decided to change it up and join a new gym.  Urban Active has become my new spot. Hell it has T.V.s in the equipment, a room where you can watch a movie and work out in the dark! Well hello entertainment value.....way better than the hairy, middle aged men I used to be forced to look at while doing reps on the leg machines.  So I've been an official member for a week now, and worked out every day! GOLD STARS for me.  No, not even close but that's a start.

So before I end this blog lemme tell you about my new thing I tried today, spinning class.  Holy crap I made it through about 17  minutes before I wanted to vomit, I was sweating through the entire water bottle I brought and then thought my legs had turned into jello.  I'd say A for effort but clearly my body was like "what in heaven's name are you doing". Well I'm out.  Perhaps I'll post one of those pre workout body pics soon but I'm going to have to work up to that. Until then happy putting my body through hell and back for a positive outcome! :)

This is me about a week ago. I know it's not too telling but at least I'm photogenic.